Well we couldn’t have scripted this any better! Snow on the first day of winter! 🙂 Not a lot, just a dusting. However, starting Friday into Christmas Eve, we are supposed to get a big storm through here, dropping around 4 inches of snow in the valley with as much as 2-3 FEET up on top around Lake Tahoe! WOO-HOO!
One of the best reasons we love full-timing in our RV is that we get to spend some quality time with our grand-kids now. Not just a quick day trip or weekend to see them, but some real fun quality time! Crazy fun time with them making Christmas ornaments!
We LOVE Christmas! Spent some time at our daughters house after she did some Christmas decorating! Each holiday they go all out, and this time of the year is extra special!
We met our friend Mike O’Malley for lunch in downtown Reno along the banks of the Truckee River, at a great Mexican restaurant, Bertha Miranda’s! Mmmm! Totally yummy! And yes, Tom really DID eat it all!