Tag Archives: RV TIPS

RV LIFE – Site Cleaning/Whining about Wine!

Cleaning up after campers leave the park can sometimes be a little, shall we say challenging? Although, most campsites are in pretty darn nice condition after they leave. But there are those that just don’t care…and try to burn everything.

RV LIFE – Hood River Drive With A Crazy Guy

Took a drive into Hood River, Oregon and stumbled upon a really great little Mexican restaurant for lunch. And did you know that Tom is direction-ally challenged? Without his ‘personal assistant LORI’ (not siri and not the Google lady!) he’d never find his way…

RV LIFE – Camphost Lori Makin’ ‘Rounds!

It’s not busy now, but come Memorial Day Weekend…we’ll be swamped for the rest of the summer! Here is Lori making the rounds as Camp-host of Toll Bridge County Park in Mt. Hood/Parkdale, Oregon.

RV LIFE – The Mist The Fog The River

This is part of what makes this lifestyle so enjoyable! Days like this are those we really need to cherish and lock in our memory.